Structured Cabling System
Is a complete system of cabling and associated hardware, which provides a comprehensive telecommunications infrastructure. This infrastructure serves a wide range of uses, such as to provide telephone service or transmit data through a computer network. Structured Cabling installation typically includes entrances facilities, vertical and horizontal back bone pathways and cables, work area stations, equipment rooms, telecommunication closets, cross connect facilities, transmission points and consolidation points

Advantages of Structured Cabling
- Consistency – A structured cabling systems means the same cabling sytems for data, voice and video.
- Support for multi-vendor equipment – A standard-based cable system will support applications and hardware even with mix & match vendors.
- Simplify moves/adds/changes – Structured cabling systems can support any changes within the systems.
- Simplify troubleshooting – With structured cabling systems, problems are less likely to down the entire network, easier to isolate and easier to fix.
- Support for future application – Structured cabling system supports future applications like multimedia.